Friday 4 December 2009

Music and the Quantum Self

As you may know the brain works in two hemispheres - left and right. The left brain is where we process logic and rationale. It is where we use language and numbers and process information and tasks etc. It is the part of our brain that deals with the day to day of our lives and the daily tasks that we find in all aspects of our world either at work or home.

The Left Brain processes wavelengths that are shorter and are closer together (14-25 cycles per second ) These are called Beta frequencies. These are useful for practical tasks or for daily life but due to the very high levels of superficial stimuli in our lives/society our Beta brain is heavily overloaded which results in both stress and a lack of conscious awareness. (When people get really stressed they are prescribed Beta Blockers which is a medication to slow this part of your brain down)

The Right Brain processes the frequencies 7-14 cycles per second and these are called the Alpha frequencies. These are slower and deeper waveforms and are not recognised by the left brain and instead the right brain becomes active when exposed to this stimuli. Abstract and repetitive beats in music create Alpha frequencies and so stimulate the right brain. The right brain is the part of the brain that is active in meditation, creativity, telepathy, intuitive awareness and the spiritual states of consciousness. It is this that enables us to lift ourselves from the superficial and experience the the quantum self in a deeper and meaningful way for ourselves. It is through these experiences that we are able to expand our mind and consciousness and some might say that this is the real purpose of life. Quantum physicists are now able to say that all life and matter operates multi dimensionally and that reality is created by the observer. We are not encouraged in our life to experience this reality as we seem stuck in a fight or flight response that keeps us slaves to our denser 3rd dimensional reality instead of the multi dimensional reality we are capable of experiencing.

Einstein is quoted as saying that "logic will get you from A to B but imagination will get you anywhere"

Currently our society is so steeped in Beta stimuli that stress levels are at an immense level which creates ill health and a false sense of reality. It is everywhere you turn.

The more we can experience the other levels of consciousness the more we can use our intuitive selves to interact more in our lives we will depend less on all our superficial trappings and essentially be more developed and evolved as humans. We will eventually get there as we can't stay stuck forever and out of unawareness comes awareness.

The irony is in fact that when we use the Beta brain we are actually more switched off, brain numb and asleep and when we use our Alpha brain we dream but are more awake and alive.

Reality is first created in our imagination... we need to dream but not to sleep.

Please spend some time to listen and relax your mind and allow the ambient alpha waves to take you downstream through the neural pathways to your inner self... please enjoy and let me know what you think.

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