Tuesday 8 December 2009

Binaural Sound Healing Music - Natural Healing

The concept of binaural sound healing music involves embedding two different frequencies into a piece of music. Each frequency is fed separately into the left and right ear through the use of headphones. These frequencies are specially created to be in perfect harmonious tune with the music's key. The brain then synthesizes the difference of the two frequencies, entraining it into one of three major brain waves: alpha, delta, or theta. The theory behind this process is that this achieves synchronicity of the left and right cerebral hemispheres through the corpus callosum, the fibrous network that connects these two hemispheres.

Binaural sound healing music is one component of sound therapy. It can be used to assist individuals to reach states of altered consciousness, and to help those with sleep disorders. Binaural sound healing music can also be employed to help people feel more centered and aware of themselves, thus facilitating creative expression.

In addition to using binaural sound healing music, the sound therapy approach also incorporates massage therapy, voice healing, treatments using tuning forks, and crystal bowl massage. This treatment focuses on healing, maintaining health, and improving a person's awareness and connection with their inner self. These techniques can be traced back to the ancient cultures of Egypt, India, China, and Japan.

Binaural sound healing music is also used in conjunction with light therapy. Healers from the Eastern meditation traditions believe that individuals are drawn to specific colors by their individual healing needs, which helps them focus on the appropriate angels of healing. At that moment, the color the individual selects is best able to offer the type of healing and nourishment the individual will benefit from.

Eastern mysticism describes members of the Devic Kingdom as angels that offer seven realms of healing through color. Light sources can be used to visualize the colors or to directly apply them to the body. In this tradition, the seven realms of healing are associated with seven different areas of light. (340)

Audiocassettes with meditation journeys on them are available to people who would like to try out this kind of mindful meditation. The healing of the body from minor to severe maladies - from allergies to cancer - is a main focus of this type of meditation. If this isn't the route for you, or if you are practiced at meditation techniques, you can use any tapes of soothing music as background for your visualization of the inner temple of healing.

Alvin Harrigan runs a Self Development ezine, http://www.chisutra.com that focuses on Energy Healing, Internal martial Arts, Mind Training and Nutrition. Find out more about Healing tools and self development technologies by signing up for our free newsletter by clicking: => HERE : )

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