Monday, 30 November 2009

Fun Ways To Stay In Shape

The market is saturated with low-fat, low-carb and sugar-free foods. But despite the popular diets, "magical" pills and the latest, greatest fitness machines that all promise to melt away the pounds, more than half of American adults are overweight.
For true weight-loss success, health experts stress the importance of changing your lifestyle for the long term and exercising regularly. Here are some creative ways to make fitness fun again and help you win the battle of the bulge once and for all.

* Take "healthy" vacations. Make fitness part of your travels. Head to a spa where, along with a little pampering, you can enjoy hiking, rock climbing, kickboxing, aqua aerobics and yoga.

* Walk or run for a good cause. Training for a 5K charity walk, for example, may be all the motivation you need to get started on a regular fitness routine. Best of all, you'll be helping your favorite charity accomplish its goals.

* Dance. Join a ballroom or hip-hop dancing class. It's a great way to shed the pounds, learn how to dance and have fun.

* Strip the weight away. New DVDs featuring Carmen Electra help you spice up your regular workout routine and provide a fun new way to tone your body right in the comfort of your own living room.

"Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease" and "Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease - Fit to Strip" are fast becoming wildly popular. With the help of fitness experts, Electra teaches viewers how to trim down with high- and low-impact dance and fitness techniques. The strengthening moves are designed to help tone the hips, thighs, buns and abs. The DVDs' special features include a pop-up video display with workout tips and a customizable music track.

* Do Pilates. Find out what makes Pilates the workout of choice for countless celebrities, and why your gym's Pilates classes are always full.

Lose the weight you want now go to right now and start losing pounds and inches once and for all!

Saturday, 28 November 2009

The Road to Fitness Success - Choose Your Fitness Products Wisely!

Now that you have created a burning desire to be fit, healthy and attractive, and have begun secretly conspiring to satisfy your desires, the obvious question becomes...


There are so many different types of fitness products to choose from... all claiming to be your perfect fitness, health and physique solution.

* So many recommendations...
* So many famous personalities...
* So many advertisements...

But which fitness product will work best for you?

Here are some characteristics to look for when choosing a fitness product.

The more of these characteristics the fitness product has... the better the chance you will succeed in achieving your fitness, health and physique goals.

Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Effective

While this characteristic seems like a no-brainer... you would be surprised at just how many people are actively using a fitness product that will never give them the results they seek.

Many people say they want improve their level of fitness... and get a bodybuilding product.

Big muscles are not necessarily indicative of a high level of fitness.

Many people say they want to lose fat... and get an aerobic endurance product.

Aerobic training is only a part of the fat loss equation, and will not produce the lean, muscular, athletic body most people want... regardless of all the hard work. The point is, make sure the fitness product you choose is designed to get the results you want... or you are doomed to failure before you begin. If you want to increase fitness, improve health and develop an attractive physique... look for fitness products designed to produce these results.

Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Interesting

Let's face it, if you are not interested in the fitness product you choose... you will not use it long enough to see results.

I don't care if the fitness product was proven to work by thousands of scientific studies... it will have no positive effect on your fitness, health or physique if you don't do it.

And you won't do it... if it does not hold your attention and peak your interest.

No matter how many times you say...

"This time I'm not giving up until I get the results I want."

... you will eventually give up if the fitness product is not interesting to you.

Don't force yourself to struggle with a fitness product you hate... look for interesting fitness products that fit into your lifestyle and match your personality.

You should look forward to physical training... not dread it!

Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Modifiable

There is not one fitness product in existence that can be all things to all people... regardless of what all the slick-tongued advertisements say.

Fitness products must be modifiable to your goals, needs, abilities and limitations... you must be given a degree of freedom to make the physical fitness program uniquely your own.

You have different wants and needs.

You have different strengths and weaknesses needing specific attention.

You must be able to take an active role in the use of the fitness product... modifying it into your perfect fitness program.

Cookie-cutter programs claiming long-term results do not work.

Look for fitness products that can be easily modified to your unique situation.

Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Sustainable The more the fitness product is dependent on machines, devices and other complexities... the easier it is to destroy.

What happens when the machine is not available, the device breaks or the complexity you have based you entire fitness program on is lacking?

Your physical training comes to a grinding halt!

I am not saying you should stay away from fitness products that use machines, special equipment, etc... only don't choose a product that makes you dependent upon them.

You are responsible for your fitness success... not the availability of a piece of equipment, or access to a machine.

Look for fitness products that help you sustain physical training in your lifestyle no matter what the circumstances.

Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Progressive

There are many fitness products out there presented as a fixed workout.

"Do this over and over again and you will get the results you want."

And the workout may be effective in the beginning... for some people and for a limited amount of time.

Unfortunately, any workout program not part of a progressive over-all plan is doomed to failure.

This is why you still need fitness products with all the free workouts out there.

A workout without a progressive plan is little more than manual labor... and will fail to take you where you need to go.

Any improvements you see in the beginning will quickly disappear, leaving you asking, "What do I do now?"

Then it is off to look for another workout to try.

Make sure the fitness product you choose is progressive in nature... and not just "add more weight" either.

Progression on many different levels is probably the most important aspect of any successful fitness program.

Your Physical Fitness Program Must Be... Measurable

The pursuit of fitness, health and physique is a journey... and like any worthwhile journey, it should be documented.

The ability to measure your progress will keep you on the track of success... enabling you to see where you've been and where you're going.

Make sure the fitness product you choose comes with a workout journal, or that one can be easily made... Don't underestimate the importance of a workout journal.

Your workout journal will help you...

* judge if your physical training efforts are getting you closer to your goals...
* decide if you need to modify your fitness program...
* and determine if it is time to switch to something completely different...

... ultimately guiding and documenting your fitness success.

Look for fitness products making it easy to measure their effectiveness... how else will you really know if it is working for you or not?

Use Your Common Sense

If the fitness product...

* attracts you...
* speaks to you...
* excites you...
* and ultimately makes sense to you...

... it is probably the right fitness product for you.

After all, only a physical fitness program you actually do, and that becomes a part of your lifestyle, will give you the long-term fitness, health and physique benefits you seek.

Now that you have a burning desire to be fit, healthy and attractive, have secretly conspired within yourself to achieve your goals and know what to look for in a fitness product, there is only one thing left to do... act!

In part 4, I'll show you how knowledge without action us useless.

Coach Lomax, founder and president of the Optimum Fitness Network LLC, has gained a reputation for creating and recommending fitness resources that get results. To see his ever growing network of fitness sites, go to Best At Home Workouts. His best selling eBook, Workout Without Weights shows you how to perform, feel and look your best

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Salsa Dancing - Dance Your Way to Health and Happiness

Salsa dancing has taken the world by storm and continues to do so.

It's no surprise either why it has become so popular.

If you have ever watched two people Salsa Dancing you know it is absolutely mesmerizing. The fun, the energy the way the dancers move as one and the music make for a magical experience.

When I first saw a couple dance their passion for salsa was obvious and it immediately grabbed a hold of me. For the remainder of the song I forgot about my dinner that had just been served. I just could not take my eyes off of them. While watching I wished I had that amazing power to walk into a room, get onto the dance floor, change the atmosphere and leave people speechless. But more than that even I wished that I was on the dance floor having a great time like they were obviously having.

The next couple of days I spent trying to figure out what I could do to learn to dance salsa as well and I found that there are several ways. Taking lessons was the most obvious option but there were also instructional DVDs and stories from people that had learned by copying what they saw on the dance floor.

I decided that the best way to learn for me would be combining all of those. At first I had some 'startup' problems and it took me 6 years before I finally got going properly. I have not regretted a single moment since. My only regret is that I was not able to start sooner.

The main question on my mind when I started was "Can I do this?". As it turned out, I could. Along the way I have met so many different people that I now realize that it was a silly question. Anybody can learn to dance salsa. I have met people with hearing disabilities that dance salsa, a man with just one leg who dance and people, like me, who had no sense of rhythm when they started to learn. Now we are all dancing though and having a great time doing so.

We enjoy the music, the passion and the excitement of salsa dancing. And as a bonus we get the health benefits that are associated with dancing salsa. Dancing is after all an aerobic activity.

Salsa dancing in particular strengthens the core muscles which are the important muscles that help you every minute of the day. Not only that but salsa dancing burns around 380 calories per hour. A great bonus. Not only if you're trying to lose weight but also to help you stay in shape.

For more information about salsa dancing feel free to have a look at my blog, Becoming a salsero.

How to Enjoy Exercising For Better Health and Weight Loss

Exercising has great benefits to the body. It can affect positively body and mind; improve our physical, physiological and psychological condition.

Research show that people who are in the age of forty-five and older experience improvements with their physical, emotional and mental health because of proper exercise. It is a fact that exercise can benefit the body in many ways when done moderately, reasonably, persistently and regularly.

Exercise can also help burn fat by increasing the metabolic rate of the body. For many people exercise sounds like a boring exhaustive routine they have to perform to stay healthy and lose weight. However this is far from being true.

There are many different types of exercises to choose from for all the different tastes. Also exercise shouldn't be exhaustive to be effective.

You can choose aerobics exercise, swimming, jogging, walking. For some people dance is the best way to exercise. Just putting on your favorite music and dancing actively for 10-15 minutes daily might be enough to satisfy your daily needs for an aerobic exercise. You can also try an African dance. It is very dynamic and very often there is a live percussion. It is a very powerful experience that affects positively body and mind alike. Carrying equal weight in both hands when you go shopping or doing work around the house might satisfy the weight training requirements for the day.

For stretching you can choose regular stretching classes or yoga. Yoga provides with additional weight loss and health benefits. You can also do stretching while doing housework. Just make sure you stretch equally on both sides.

Exercising is not hard if you choose the right activity, one that you enjoy and if you know how to fit it into your busy daily schedule.

Do you need more time-proven, healthy tips to lose weight? Visit to download free weight loss reports.

Are you interested in natural health, weight loss, energy secrets? Visit for free reports and more details.

Lynn Alex is a Certified Nutritional and Weight Loss Consultant, Life-Skills Coach. She is an American Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner.