Monday, 9 August 2010

Music and Children's Health Are Related

When parents are asked, "Why they think their child needs a music education" they mostly answer with responses like "My child is showing talent or interest" or "My child is already studying on their own". We want to take the time to visit the health benefits between Music and Children.
There are endless scientific studies on the subject of the effect of a musical education on children; and specifically how music and child development are directly related.
When talking on this subject, the voice as an instrument is the most logical place to start. The voice is an instrument as much as a piano is and a vocalist is as much a musician as a violinist.
Children start singing at a very young age naturally even without encouragement. As they sing or even hum tunes, they are developing their talents and the relationship between music and children begins. At some point, your child will need a professional musical education, but many children show talent even without training.
Music and child brain development are so closely linked it is undisputable. Singing and / or playing an instrument stimulates both halves of the brain at the same time. The left logical side of the brain and the creative right side of the brain need to work together when singing or playing an instrument; especially when reading music while performing.
Singing and or playing any of the wind instruments have also been proven to improve a child's respiratory system. This is just more proof that music and children's health are very closely related. In addition to the cardiovascular benefits, singing trains the throat muscles and the vocal chords. Other benefits of all musical education are that your child will develop more acute hearing, a better memory, a sense of rhythm, and a sense of time and tempo.
Singing also has a positive effect on speech impediments such as stuttering. I can confirm this fact with confidence - by using my own music and child development techniques, I helped one of my daughters eliminate this problem within two years. The fact is that while singing, words are sounded lingeringly, which helps the child pronounce separate sounds and syllables more precisely. In other words, singing is the cure to many language and speech difficulties, such as stuttering! Well-chosen drills combined with a child's desire to get rid of an unpleasant impediment are the cornerstones to success.
If a speech impediment of some type was hindering your child from learning at the same rate as other children, then the success of music and child development has proven itself again. A speech impediment not only affects the way a child speaks, it also affects the way they comprehend and process information.
Music and child development also shows itself because these children are extremely focused. They just pick up on languages, math and science faster than other children. This is an example of both sides of the brain being trained to work together.
Tatiana Bandurina is an owner of Quintecco Educational Products Inc. She develops a new trend in education - Music Education for Parents. For more great tips on music and child, visit